Early Risers Bible Study
Contact Greg Taylor for more information. Meets in the St. Barnabas Conference room. Gregsmail1977@icloud.com.
Contact Greg Taylor for more information. Meets in the St. Barnabas Conference room. Gregsmail1977@icloud.com.
This is a private rehearsal that will take place in the sanctuary during the afternoon.
This is a private event that will be in the sanctuary all day.
8:00 a.m. worship service 10:00 a.m. worship service followed by coffee hour in the lounge. Childcare is provided during the 10:00 a.m. […]
The Elevation Choir will have a concert in the afternoon in the St. Barnabas Sanctuary. A time and more information will be […]
Meets the second and fourth Monday each month in the St. Barnabas conference room. For more information contact Maria Perez mdperezmd@gmail.com or […]
Meets weekly in the St. Barnabas lounge. Contact Linda Hardy for more information. Lindahardy@comcast.net (302) 235-8612.
Contact Greg Taylor for more information. Meets in the St. Barnabas Conference room. Gregsmail1977@icloud.com.
8:00 a.m. worship service 10:00 a.m. worship service followed by coffee hour in the lounge. Childcare is provided during the 10:00 a.m. […]
Ladies Lunch at 12:30 p.m.
Meets weekly in the St. Barnabas lounge. Contact Linda Hardy for more information. Lindahardy@comcast.net (302) 235-8612.
Contact Greg Taylor for more information. Meets in the St. Barnabas Conference room. Gregsmail1977@icloud.com.