Elle Dowd to be guest speaker at Sunday Worship
Elle Dowd to be guest speaker at Sunday Worship
Elle Dowd will join us for worship at 10:30 and be our guest preacher. Coffee hour and conversation in the lounge to […]
Elle Dowd will join us for worship at 10:30 and be our guest preacher. Coffee hour and conversation in the lounge to […]
Youth Group Fundraiser: Super Bowl sub orders are due today. (Subs will be available for pick up after the 8 a.m. and […]
Scout BSA Troop 1923 will participate in the Sunday 10:30 Worship Service and bring baked goods for coffee hour following the service.
Pre-ordered subs will be available for pick up after the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worship Services
The Rev. Deacon Cecily special event at Temple Beth El, 301 Possum Park Rd, Newark
A service of remembrance will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 25 at St. Barnabas. There will be a reception […]
Meets weekly in the St. Barnabas lounge. Contact Linda Hardy for more information. Lindahardy@comcast.net (302) 235-8612.
"Who Then is This?" - A 5 week series led by Fr. David Beresford Wednesdays at 7 pm. Join us in the […]
Contact Greg Taylor for more information. Meets in the St. Barnabas Conference room. Gregsmail1977@icloud.com.
Contact Greg Taylor for more information. Meets in the St. Barnabas Conference room. Gregsmail1977@icloud.com.